Badminton@Kellyville Homepage

Our group started playing badminton at Kellyville Park some years ago. We ocassional switched our venue to Bernie Mullane Sports Complex at Kellyville after this new place opened in early 2004. Starting from June 2004 we abandoned Kellyville Park and made Bernie Mullane as our permanent playing home.

Objective of this site

This is a website for our badminton group who play at Kellyville Park.   It is established to facilitate communications between our members.  Although most of us meet at least 2 times a week and may be on telephone on regular basis, yet we still find it fun to communicate through this website.  Also the information presented in this site can serve as an introduction of our group to people who may be interested in joining us.

30/3/25 10:37:39 am
Sydney Time
You are visitor number : 5237

A huge gathering at Tai Sam Yuen on 22 June to celebrate Agnes' birthday. Photos of the party can be viewed here.
Also photos of birthday parties for Grace, and photos of birthday party for William.

The latest addition to our postings by Teresa, A butterfly's lesson.
Also from Teresa is a game Test your reaction time